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The relationship between information Technology usage and participation of employees in the Isfahan Administration of Sport and youth in according to demographic characteristics

1562-1567Full Text

Somayeh Ebrahimi*, Razeieh Farzi, Omid Mousavi, Somayeh Rahbari and Seyed Hossein Alavi

Introduction: In today's world which has been calledthe information age. The development of informationtechnology in the administration system and production of knowledge with the effort of manager and staff will form the existence of this system.Innovation participation also helps to the management of the large organization to utilize the talents, people skills and internal problems, of organization.Since the Administration of sport and youth has on important role in the promotion of country sport. This research has been investigated about the relationship between information technology and participation of employees in the Isfahan Administration of Sport and Youth. Methodology:This research aim to use description method of data collection and is the correlation method. Statistical Population of all personnel in the Isfahan administration of sport and youth in 1392 was about 150, and according to the Morgan formula, the questionnaire was given to 106 people accidentally and at the end 101 questionnaire had been invited. Three types of questionnaires has been used in this research, the Abbasi (2010) information technology questionnaire, and participation have used to collect information, that the reliability of the 90% and 83% was calculated. Inferential statistics, Pearson correlation multiple regression and Variance of Analysis have been using for data analysis. Research Finding:: The most important result of this research showed the level of Information Technology usage with an average of 99/67 is much is high and among of the component of the technology, the usage of hardware and soft ward with an average 38/20is the most used among employees. Participation of employees with an average of 66/43 is much high and the participation inadministration operation with average 79/22 is the highest participation rate among the components. This is signification relation between participation and Technology with its components. The ability of a computer is the bestparticipation predictor among theTechnology and components. There is a significant relationship among the demographic factors and among the technology in term of gender qualification and participation in term of duplication. Discussion and Conclusion: in order to incorporate different Viewpoints, giving reward and encouraging and encouraging and creating a quite workplace, organization support, strengthen bilateral cooperation, strengthen the joint between employees and management feel, providing core research and innovation to increase participation, and facilitate access to scientific resources both electric and non-electricto increase participation in motivation, would suggested in the Isfahan General Administration of sport and youth.

Evaluation the Effects of game based animation "Blue's Clues" on Preschool children learning

1568-1572Full Text

Samaneh Sadat Mousavian*, Samira Mohammad Amini and Fatemeh Moazez

This paper focuses on measuring the effectiveness of video-based instructional games on preschool children, and Training videos, entertainment attraction for children plays a significant role in enhancing the quality of learning. Since its premiere in 1996, Blue's Clues has continued to stand out as one of the top five preschool series on all of commercial television. With its interactive, educational focus, Blue’s Clues was a pioneer in a new model of preschoolers’ television . Blue’s Clues is an animated show with a live host, Joe (or Steve on older episodes), who guides children through the day’s adventure finding Blue’s clues. Blue is the cute blue puppy dog who leaves the clues, and Joe, along with the viewing children, must find and put them together in order to figure out what Blue is telling everyone . The show’s educational focus covers a range of information from colors and shapes to numbers, letters and problem solving ideas. "Blue's Clues" is an attractive animation for young age group of children and from the educational aspects include prominent elements for educators and educational experts. Although the film is based on play but through the play levels pays attention to education and in each section is tries to teach a particular subject .this study is going to evaluate the effectiveness of training -fun "Blue's Clues" television show from the aspect of problem solving and also from the mothers and teachers point of view to define the effectiveness of applying film and the game of footprints on children learning. After gathering the results, and data analysis comparing pre-test and post-test that were taken by children, this was obtained that, along with traces of water, learning of children after seeing film is improving .and this improvement was 60%.

Colored plastic mulches and harvest times affect on antioxidant capacity and total anthocyanin contents on strawberry fruit “cv.camarosa”

1573-1577Full Text

Saeid shiukhy*, Mahmoud raeini sarjaz and Vida chalavi

Strawberry (Frag aria x ananasa) is one of the most important garden products which its fruit is full of vitamins, antioxidant and anthocyanin. For studying affect of colored plastic mulches and harvest times on antioxidant and anthocyanin properties, strawberry cv. Camarosa was studied on complete randomized block design with four testing treatments of colored plastic mulch (red, black, white and control treatment (traditional farming)) and three time of harvesting (May30, 25, 20) in three replication on 2011. The most amount of anthocyanin and the least one were seen in red and white plastic mulches and control respectively. Also, black plastic mulch had the least amount of anthocyanin within plastic mulches. The best treatment in term of antioxidant activity of the fruit (IC50= 2/13) belongs to white plastic mulch in the first of harvest time. The highest amount of total phenol and flavonoid compositions of the fruit at second harvest time in red plastic mulch was seen as 0.02 Gallic acid g/ dry weight and 9.22 quercetin mg/dry weight. The least amount of these compositions as 42.5 g Gallic acid per dry weight and 7.13 mg/ dry weight was related to the first harvest time of control.

Evaluation of chlorophylls activity, carotenoids content and total anthocyanin Changes of fruit in different aspects and fruit location within orange tree canopy

1578-1583Full Text

Saeid shiukhy*, Mahmoud raeini sarjaz and Vida chalavi

Orange (Citrus sinensis) is a semitropical plant which grows in areas with semi cold to tropical climate. Radiant climate can effect on physical and biochemical properties of fruit. Therefore, purpose of this research is to study effect of geographical aspect and position of fruit in canopy of tree on qualitative properties of Sangin orange. In this research, random complete blocks in form of divided patches were used. Two north and south part as main patches and surface or depth of awning from position of fruit in awning as divided patches were used. This research was performed with three frequencies in Semeskandeh village in Sari on 2012. The results show that anthocyanin content and carotenoides of the fruit increases with approaching to time of ripening the fruit. Geographical aspect and place of fruit in canopy of tree has a significant effect on anthocyanin and carotenoid content. chlorophyll a, b and ab activity of the fruit decreased with approaching to time of fruit ripening. The parts had not a significant effect on pH, TSS, percent of TA and relation of TA/TSS during measurement.

The Prevalence Of Overweight , Obesity and the Level of Physical Activity Among Iranian Female College Students

1584-1589Full Text

Leila Ghanbari

Background and aim: nowadays obesity is identified as a public health problem and it is also considered a risk factor in many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, high blood lipids, diabetics and cancer. Material and methods: the study was a descriptive one conducted on 426 female students aged 18 to 25 at Guilan University. In this study simple random sampling was used. Students' weight, height, waist circumference(WC), and hip circumference were measured using standard techniques. Having calculated Body Mass Index (BMI), overweight was defined as BMI between 25-29/9 (kg/m²) ,obesity as BMI greater than or equal to 30 (kg/m²) and abdominal obesity as waist-hip ratio (WHR) equal or greater than 85%. In order to identify samples level of physical activity, Baeck's physical activity questionnaire was used. Result: average age, BMI, and waist-hip ratio in samples were equal to 22.4 ± 2.3 years,21/9 ± 3/6(kg/m²) and 0.74±0.05 respectively and the prevalence of overweight, obesity and abdominal obesity was 11.9%, 3.1% and 6.4%, respectively. The samples level of physical activity in three levels (light, moderate, heavy ) were 67.1%, 13.1% and 19.8% respectively. The relationship between BMI and the level of physical activity was significant. Low physical activity had an independent role in predicting overweight and obesity (OR=1.7 with 15% CI: 1.1-2.5 and P=0.03). Conclusion: considering the rate of 15%, BMI greater than (kg/m²) and proving the independent role of physical activity in predicting overweight and obesity, the programs regarding the prevalence of regular physical activity and creating necessary facilities for continuing them in women's lifelong in society are recommended.

Trend analysis of the changes in urban hierarchy of Khuzestan: a sustainable development perspective

1590-1601Full Text

Mohammad Ajza Shokouhi* and Jawad Bawi

This paper deals with the changes in the urban hierarchy of Khuzestan during a period of 50 years (1956-2006) determining the extent of changes in urbanization and the potential spatial differences between the cities in this province from the perspective of sustainable development. Adopting a descriptive-analytic approach and employing various models such as tensile modulus, primate city indicators, urban concentration index (three-city and four-city), the rank-size rule, the present paper analyzes the factors influencing the urban networks in Khuzestan. It follows from the results of the study that the urban networks of the province, have been heavily affected by developments so that Abadan which used to have the first rank in Khuzestan has lost its rank to Ahwaz due to the administrative, political, and commercial centrality of Ahwaz. The imposed war (of Iraq against Iran) has also caused abrupt changes in the population and urban hierarchy. Therefore, urban networks of Khuzestan influenced by factors such as immigration do not have a spatial balance (and hence stability) currently. Interestingly, the results suggest that the spatial distance between the first city Ahwaz with other cities is growing exponentially. Finally, in order to achieve the optimal spatial urban hierarchy, the following measures are proposed: land use planning, development of mid-sized cities, creation and strengthening of new cities as well as small towns, and giving variety to activities and functional roles of cities.

Predicting the Daily Efficiency of Tehran Stock Share Price by Using of Artificial Neural Networks, Cascade Forward

1602-1611Full Text

Roohollah Bahmani Zargari*, Mansur Amini Lari and Mohsen Bashiri

The ever increasing development of tendency to be involved in regional and universal financial markets, such as stock exchange which is mainly online today, and also the high speed of trade and fluctuations of this market have made trade strategies to be of a significant importance. Generally, by predicting the situation of market in the future and invested can determine its position, situation and the rate of his investments, in a way that the efficiency of his/her assets reaches to its maximum. In this research, we have tried to offer the best prediction of the movement trend in the next day share price by using technical analysis (stock exchange diagram analysis) and cascade forward, learning by three layer supervised learning, artificial neural networks and Levenberg-Marquardt learning algorithm, weight learning function and delta rule, and then, by having such information, conduct a successful and profitable trade in the stock exchange.

Horizontal and Vertical Intertext: J. M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year

1612-1619Full Text

Arezu Namadi and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

The aim of this paper is to show J. M. Coetzee (1940- ) as a modern prolific writer and recipient of the 2003 Noble Prize in Literature that has a hand in different literary genres. Coetzee’s novels present a whole range of textual and intertextual practices which he considers essential in creating a dialogue between past and present to provide a better understanding of how these texts function. Diary of a Bad Year (2007) is an example of Coetzee’s novels which is involved in an intertextual relationship with other works. As a text, it is the continuum of other texts not only by Coetzee himself, but also by the other writers. The intertexts are connected to each other both horizontally, through quotation, allusion and parody, and vertically, through references to other media such as film, song and so on. Diary of a Bad Year, in Roland Barthes’ viewpoint, as an ‘open-ended’ novel and a dialogue among several writings, contains multiple voices and different writings interacting with each other. Having an eye on horizontal and vertical intertextuality in claiming that each text is full of ‘quotations without quotation marks,’ this paper analyzes Diary of a Bad Year. Such points are to be analyzed based on the viewpoints of Mikhail M. Bakhtin (1895-1975), Julia Kristeva (1941- ) a French semiotician, and Roland Barthes (1915-1980). Moreover, it shows that each text is connected to previous and future texts. Each sign does not live in isolation, but it carries limitless previous written and unwritten texts.

Survey of Effects and sentences Time Sharing from the perspective of Imamiyeh and Iranian Law

1620-1623Full Text

Ahmad Mahmoudzahi* and Amirhamzeh Salarzaee

Time sharing” or “periodical ownership” related contracts are new types of immobile contracts of temporal sale which are created in response to modern life necessities. The main feature of this type of contract is that the ownership of property is transferred to the buyer for a limited period of the year. Therefore, unlike traditional sale contracts in which the buyer acquires the complete and continuous ownership of the property purchased, in time sharing contracts the buyer owns the property only for a limited period of each year, in January for example. Thus, the property in question may be owned for a limited period during a year by a number of owners. As a result, the whole property price is divided between the owners according to different times in a year. This article discusses the status and content of time sharing contracts from Imamiye and Iran laws’ perspectives. The study consists of 5 chapters. It begins with a section entitled as Introduction that includes definition of topic, significance of topic, aims and objectives, literature review, main and secondary questions, methodology, structure of the study and the key words (Temporal Sale, Jurisprudence, Law, Imamiyeh). According to some of jurists, the term sale (baiy’) traditionally refers only to absolute (permanent) sale. On the other hand temporary sale primarily is not typical of common sale and it is out of customary or traditional sale. In this regard, the late Sayyed Muhammad Kazim Yazdi pointed out, “The reason for invalidity of time sharing is that traditionally the term sale (baiy’) does not refer to time sharing and if we are doubtful about the validity of such a reference it is not typical of sale. Hence, despite of having doubt in salability of such a contract, one cannot resort to the common in order to prove its validity”. However, it seems that the traditional definition on the concept of sale (baiy’) is that the seller sells the ownership of the property to the buyer unlimited and without the restriction of time and as a result the time sharing is opposed to traditional meaning of sale. Whereas the traditional authentication of sale is the primary requirement for the validity of sale, temporal sale cannot be regarded as sale or valid. Thus even if there is doubt, temporal sale is not typical of sale. Therefore, the analysis of Time Share which is entitled as contract of sale is false and inacceptable. Accordingly time share contract is not mainly a kind of common sale but a specific contract or agreement which of its tenor is scheduled ownership transfer and accordingly most of the jurists and researchers who have been asked about time share, have not regarded it as common sale.

The predictive power of spiritual experiences on psychological well-being and personality characteristics in Student of the Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Sistan and Baluchestan

1624-1628Full Text

Mahdi Khazaei Esfehani* and Alireza Ganjali

This study aimed to evaluate the predictive power of the spiritual experiences on psychological well-being and personality characteristics. For doing so correlation- Predictions. Its population includes all students in the Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch Sistan and Baluchestan in the 92-93 school years. Statistic sample of this research include 381 students. Research tools are questionnair of spiritual experiences by Dr. Ghobari bonab, well being questionnaire by Ryff and personality characteristics questionnaire by Neo. Its validity is content type and its stability evaluated by Alpha coefficient for spiritual experiences %89 for psychological well-being %87 for personality characteristics %79. For analyzing statics data, average Dressy test of Pearson correlation, step by step regression, unilateral variance analyze and independent t applied. The results showed that there is a positive, direct and meaningful relation between spiritual experiences with psychological well-being and there is a meaningful and inverse relation between spiritual experiences with personality characteristics. Also the results showed that there is no difference between spiritual experiences, psychological well-being and personality characteristics in terms of age, marital status, living situation and field of study. The only difference between spiritual experience, psychological well-being and personality characteristics was in terms of gender and related to spiritual experiences and the results showed that male students spiritual experiences is higher than female students ones.

Double glass PV cell efficiency in PV/T combination water and air heating flat plate collector system

1629-1634Full Text

Musallam Ahmed Tabook*, Mohd Yusof Othman, Kamaruzzaman Sopian and Mohd Hafidz Ruslan

In this paper, an attempt is made to investigate the thermal and electrical performance of a solar photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) air collector. A detailed thermal and electrical model is developed to calculate the thermal and electrical parameters of a typical PV/T air collector, but here we want to notice this paper was just one part of our project that which has been completed. The thermal and electrical parameters of a PV/T air collector include solar cell temperature, inlet air temperature, outlet air temperature, open-circuit voltage; short-circuit current, maximum power voltage, maximum power current and air mass flow rate. Since some corrections have been down on thermal and electrical models, it is observed that the thermal and electrical simulation results obtained in this paper is more precise than the one given by the previous literature. It is also found that the thermal efficiency, electrical efficiency and overall energy efficiency of PV/T air collector is about 15.4%, 18%%, 18.3%, and 18.9% respectively, for an irradiane 350,500,650 and 800 W/m2 operating and design parameters.

Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) response to irrigation different methods in north Iran

1635-1637Full Text

Ali Abdzad Gohari* Raheleh Jenabi Haghparast and Mohammad reza Khabbazkar

The present research was done with the purpose of studying the effect of Irrigation different methods on peanut in the north of Iran. The experiment was doing in randomized complete block design as split-plot arrangement with three replications. Irrigation factor was consisting different methods of drip Irrigation, Surface Irrigation and Sprinkler Irrigation. The results indicate that the effect of different methods of irrigation on dry seed weight and dry stem weight were the level of one percent probability of a significant. But the effect of different methods of irrigation on dry pod weight and dry root weight were the level of five percent probability of a significant. Also, drip irrigation method was the best of irrigation method, with the maximum dry seed weight, dry pod weight, dry stem weight and dry root weight.

Delineation of prayer in the words of Imam Khomeini

1638-1640Full Text

Oliyana Ghavami Lahij* and Raziyeh Mahmoudi

Man of prayer in school and life, Islam, and the mysteries of the deep and blessed works great. Existence and the existence of a strong rope that binds man to the supernatural realm and most of slavery and the prophets and saints of God has always been the most important order. The stars shone brightly in the sky and thought and intellect There are full month of the Islamic world was moved, Imam Khomeini, has a special place. The purpose of this paper is to briefly address the importance of prayer and objective effects its practical life of Imam Khomeini, the top ten according to the expression of the wise leader of the prayer, the content of this valuable remarks enjoying their verses and hadith and hadith.

Effects of Prayer in the life

1641-1643Full Text

Raziyeh Mahmoudi* and Oliyana Ghavami Lahij

Prayer is the most beautiful manifestation of worship in the form of commands from God and His Messenger to mankind is inexpensive. Prayer is the most fundamental disciplines affection and love between people and Allah is most great. Prayer is light-hearted, fun, heart, mental health and social life. Due to the existence of a strong man in the kingdom is together. No act as prayer, not the man to the right and true. There is gold, minus prayer, barren and those who are unfamiliar with the culture of prayer, spiritual poverty, live. Columns and pillars prayer of faith, precious, beautiful, deepest and simplest means of communicating with God, most diverse, and most virtuous The most common worship, prophetic eye, blasphemy and faith boundaries, the perfection and Salvation, the fruit of righteous government, human inhibitor of prostitution and vice, and the religious symbol, is mentioned.

Death in the Effects Attar Neyshabouri

1644-1645Full Text

Raziyeh Mahmoudi* and Ahmad karimi

Among the highlights of the tragic death of concepts is a word that has many reflections Attar. In this paper, the extraction parameters such as: love and passion for the interests of the world after death, fearful of death, the grave of the first and last house, away from the anxiety of death, inclusive of death, disability and death in the rich finally, be aware of the dying man at death, to tell stories in the field of interpretation and interpretation of messages hidden in the inner layers of the story are discussed.

Effects tragic death In a Mosibatnameh Attar

1646-1647Full Text

Raziyeh Mahmoudi* and Ahmad karimi

Attar is a system in which most detailed disaster stories and allegorical tales as a tool that it will draw things and bring many benefits. Implications of the story through the door, the door opens to the seeker's mind Get to know him step by step guides. The most important message is received from the story can be found as follows. Death of universal laws, and all the creatures you will learn. The rich and the rich world fail and fail to death. So we should try to cultivate the spirit was ready for the long flight. The dying man is aware When the death is lamented the loss of your data. Do not take it with you. Attar and head out again with sign language and analogies call that death is right and we all should be prepared to go on.

Comparing the public health and social relationships of the employees with the physical activity and inactivity in Kerman Azad University

1648-1653Full Text

Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi1* and Kourosh Gharaman Tabrizi

The aim of this research was to compare the physically active and inactive employees' public health and social relationships of Kerman Azad University . The statistical universe of the present research included 500 employees of Azad university ( members of the faculty board and employees ) . Using Morgan sample size determination table , 217 persons of the mentioned universe were randomly selected and the research questionnaire was distributed among them . The results of studying the employees' public health status showed that among 217 respondents , 48.8% (106 persons) , 26.3%(57 persons) and 24.9%(54 persons) had healthy public health , moderate and unhealthy public health , respectively . 15.2%(33 persons) , 67.7% (147persons) and 17.1%(37 persons) had low , moderate and high social relationships , respectively . The inferential results of the research showed that there is a significant difference between the physical active and inactive employees' public health . The public health of the active employees was more than that of the inactive employees . But there was no significant difference between the physical active and inactive employees' social relationships. Therefore , it is proposed that the administrators provide their employees with the possibility of conversation and attendance in the sport and community programs in planning the various meetings achieving the university objectives and help them promoting their public health level and social relationships.

Investigate the relationship between dimensions of organizational culture (based on Denison model) with organizational agility capabilities in Civil Registration in Sistan and Baluchestan

1654-1660Full Text

Abdolhamid Yazdani and Habiballa Salarzahi*

If hypothesis has been proposed. The research method is descriptive and survey questionnaire for data collection and research library is used. The study population consisted of 140 individuals. Using Cochrane methodology based on 103 randomly selected as the sample size, questionnaire, using Cronbach Grvnbakh, 9/99 is obtained. To determine the significance of organizational culture dimensions, the t test was used. In this study, the mean (SD) indicates that the respondents' views about the four dimensions of involvement, consistency, adaptability, mission, above average (number 5/4) and the sum of the positive evaluated. Also examine the relationship between each of the hypotheses of the study were shown a significant relationship between the independent variables (dimensions of organizational culture) and the dependent variable (agility) there. To evaluate the effect according to data normality of regression test results indicated that Sig variable flexibility, less than 0/05, so the effect is statistically significant in ¬ which to investigate further the effects of variable organizational agility , the ANOVA showed that the effect is more flexible than other variables . Other variables were not significant.

A Study on effect of ownership structure and Management Control on agency costs in Companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange

1661-1670Full Text

Ghasem Bameri and Hossein Jabari*

Agency theory refers to conflict of interest between owners and directors, which this conflict originates from duality and conflict between the goals of directors and shareholders. Yet, the main purpose of shareholders is to maximize their wealth through maximizing value of company, where achieving this aim is generally neglected by directors, and as the result there will be doubt on optimal use of shareholders' capital and wealth by directors. The present study intends to recognize the relationship between ownership structure and agency costs in companies listed on the Tehran stock exchange. In this regard, variables of institutional ownership, management ownership, debt ratio, and executive reward, and percentage of non executive director or board were considered as independent variables. This study has been fulfilled using data from financial statements at the end of audit period of Companies listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange during 2007-2012, using multivariate linear regression models. Evidences indicate that there is a significant relationship between institutional ownership, management ownership and percentage of non executive director or board. Yet, there is no significant relationship between institutional ownership, debt ratio, and executive reward, and agency const.

An Investigation of Sudden Contraction Effect of Different Cross-Sections on Velocity and Pressure in Pipes with 90° Bend

1671-1674Full Text

Behrooz Zad Shakouyan* and Rasool Daneshfaraz

In the present study, the flow in a pipe line with 90 degree bend with different sudden contractions in bend inlet is simulated numerically by use of Fluent Software. The fluid flow regime in bend is turbulent and laminar with Reynolds numbers varying from 100 to 10000 (100, 500, 850, 1800, 4800, 10000). The main objective of this study is investigating the effect of sudden contraction. This amount is expressed as relative contraction parameter in percent which include 0 (n contraction), 20, 40 and 60 percent. The results indicate that in spite of sudden contraction in bend inlet, the maximum velocity of incidence is in 67.5° and 90°. Flow divergence in velocity profiles is not perceived except in cross sectional angle of 45° and 67.5° in which a great inclination towards divergence is observed. Also, a negative pressure in bend with a sudden contraction of 20 % in Reynolds number of 10000, in bend with sudden contraction of 40% in Reynolds number of 4800 and 10000 and in bend with sudden of 60% in Reynolds number of 850, 1800, and 4800 and 10000 is observed. The presence of sudden contraction results in an increase in pressure drop in 90° bend in compare to neutral state. This effect is more significant in higher Reynolds numbers. Increasing relative contraction, the highest pressure drop occurs in 45° while in non-contraction condition, the highest amount of pressure drop occurs at 67.5 ° and 90°.

The study of Pistachio Production in Iran with Emphasis on Yazd

1675-1681Full Text

Abolfazl Mahmoodi and Narges Mohammad Taghinezhad*

Based on the theory of international trade, developing countries because of its relative advantages and plenty of inputs and raw materials are the basic economic expertise. In this regard, development economics, international specialization are criticized because of a severe economic dependence on exports. Economic policy in the international specialization of goods for a country that leads to a severe economic dependence of the country's commodity export earnings and due to the unpredictable nature of export price volatility and instability in export earnings has led to fluctuate, so this will have a negative effect and sometimes positive effects on the entire economy. 20-year effort to achieve goals and create new capacity for long-term strategies to promote the exports of the country's economy has been in recent years. Pistachios as one of the country's strategic products, it has the potential to be transformed as a moderator in other country's trade balance. Yazd province geographically as well as natural and appropriate capabilities in the manufacture of this product will be investigated in this study. After reviewing the status of national and global pistachio production in the country, the study results suggest that the city seal on average 28.4% share of pistachio production in the province has allocated to itself. Then Mehriz average 21.9 percent and 15.7 percent, followed by Taft that have the potential to increase this level.

Some irreducible subgroups of the group GL(6,2)

1682-1687Full Text

Behnam Razzaghmaneshi

There is no abstract!

Hegemony of Empire over Orients: Rudyard Kipling’s Kim

1688-1692Full Text

Fatemeh Ghiasvand and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

This paper examines Rudyard Kipling’s (1865-1936) last novel, Kim (1901) based on Edward Said (1935-2003) and Homi K. Bhabha’s (1949- ) postcolonial theories regarding hegemony of British Empire over Orient. The focus is on Kipling’s imperialistic view toward India, which causes humiliation of other nations in order to represent the superiority of Occident and inferiority of Orient. Because Kipling is familiar with the Indians’ culture, his novel clarifies the difference between these two cultures based on British hegemony over India. He shows how some British administrators consider Orient as others, savage, uncivilized, inferior and backward. Kipling puts emphasis on the hegemony of English people toward the Indians and determines the dominant values for the British administrators as well. Moreover, this paper shows how the discourse of Orientalism provides a fixed description of the Orient as the Other to solidify its hegemony. Consequently, this paper clarifies how British hegemony imposes the superiority of its cultureon the native people through misrepresenting the Oriental backwardness and inferiority. It misrepresents the Oriental culture as uncivilized in need of Western hegemony.

Hybridity: The Effect of Imperialism in Rudyard Kipling’s Kim

1693-1699Full Text

Fatemeh Ghiasvand and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

This paper deals with Rudyard Kipling’s (1865-1936) Kim (1901) based on Edward Said (1935-2003) and Homi K. Bhabha’s (1949- ) postcolonial theories, regarding ‘the Other’ and ‘hybrid identity’. Moreover, this paper shows how Kipling is in favor of imperialism in order to support the British Empire in India. The whole novel depicts the British administrators’ desire for power in order to provide their supremacy politically, economically and culturally. Based on Bhabha’s theories, the present paper investigates how concepts like ‘liminality,’‘ambivalence,’ and ‘hybrid identity’ of the colonial subject are constructed in a space that is called ‘Third Space of enunciation’. By considering the conditions of hybrid characters like Kim and Babu, the British imperial power attempts to educate and reform them as agents for its own desire. Through the process of reformation, although the hybrid characters endeavor to adapt the British habits, behaviors, values, language and culture, they are involved in the mimicry structure of behavior and in-between situation. They feel a sense of threat and remain in liminal or in-between position. In this regard, this in-between position questions the certainty of imperial power through constructing a ‘Third space of enunciation’. Consequently, it is shown how imperialism and imperial powers are the main reasons for identity crisis of the colonial subject in India.

Geological Environment Survey of Fannouch area Chromites

1700-1702Full Text

Mojtaba Ansarifar*, Seyed Ahmad Motaalem and Fatemeh Ostadmahmoodi-do

Study area located in Sistan and Baluchestan province, south-east of Iran and located in the structural divisions of the sedimentary east flysch zone. Access to the study area through the Iranshahr- Chabahar old road is possible. Geological units consist of a series of sedimentary rocks, igneous and ultrabasic is. Ultrabasic rocks such as harzburgite, harzburgite and serpentinite. Microscopic examination was carried out on the rocks containing chromite lenses, various tissues in the show. The texture and fabrication of primary chromite Fannouch region can be disseminated types, mass and E veins and veinlets of secondary textures and types of stretching and cataclastic noted. Based on the results of the chemical analysis of the water samples, approximately 33% Mean perfect addition to the abundance of iron oxides, silicon and aluminum in the samples is evident.

The observation operational techniques used in satellite geodesy

1703-1711Full Text

Milad Khosravi, Reza Hemati, Ali Khodakarami Fard* and Mohammad Khosravi

The observation techniques used in satellite geodesy can be subdivided in different ways. One possibility has been alrcady introduced in, namely a classification determined by the location of the observation platform - Earth based techniques (ground station-satellite), - satellite based techniques (satellite-ground station), - inter-satellite techniques (satellite-satellite). Another classification follows from the observables in question. A summary of the most important operational techniques is given. References to the specific artificial satellites are included.

Satellites Used in Geodesy

1712-1715Full Text

Reza Hemati, Milad Khosravi, Ali Khodakarami Fard* and Mohammad Khosravi

Most of the satellites which have been used, and still are used, in satellite geodesy were not dedicated to the solution of geodetic problems; their primary goals are various. Typical examples of this group are the navigation satellites of the TRANSIT and of the GPS systems, and remote sensing (Earth observation) satellites carrying a radar altimeter. Examples of satellites which were exclusively, or primarily, launched for geodetic and/or geodynamic purposes are: PAGEOS (PAssive GEOdetic Satellite) - USA 1966, STARLETTE,STELLA - France 1975, 1993 GEOS-1 to 3 (GEOdetic Satellite 1 to 3) - USA 1965, 1968, 1975, LAGEOS-l, 2(LAser GEOdynamic Satellite) - USA 1976, 1992, AJISAI (EGS, Experimental Geodetic Satellite) - Japan 1986, GFZ-l (GeoForschungs Zentrum) - Germany 1986, CHAMP (CHAllenging Mini Satellite Payload) - Germany 2000. This group of dedicated satellites includes some which were used during the first years of the satellite era for the establishment of geodetic datum connections (e.g. SECOR ANNA-lB (1962)). All satellites which are dedicated to a given observation technique will be treated in detail together with this technique.

Cynicism and Apathy in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India

1716-1724Full Text

Frouzan Naghshbandi and Bahman Zarrinjooee*

The British writers and critics, based on the Orientalist discourses, portray their own nations and cultures as superior, while the Indians as inferior ‘Other’. E. M. Forster’s (1879- 1970) A Passage to India (1924) is loaded with colonizers’ ideology of superiority and presents India, Indians and their culture in a stereotypical way. Having an eye on Edward W. Said’s (1935-2003) postcolonial theories, this paper focuses its arguments on examining the operations of the colonizer’s ideology in A Passage to India, to show to what extent Forster reinforces the colonizers’ superior ideology. Moreover, it portrays the racial tension among the Indians. The objective of this paper is to highlight the impossibility of friendship in relation to the cynicism constructed by both the colonizer (British Empire) and the colonized (Indians). In other words, this paper argues that this reality will exist so far as the relationship between the colonizers and the colonized is constructed based on the binary opposition of US/Them. Further, A Passage to India exposes the British inherent apathy toward Indians and this stereotypical image intensifies the apathetic mode in British Empire.